
Seedrioru Estonian Summer Camp Society is a non-profit organization that is run by volunteers for the betterment of Estonian culture in Southern Ontario.

If you’re interested in a donating to Seedrioru, you have two options: You can contact us to make arrangements, or you can donate through the online Seedrioru Campaign being run by the Estonian Foundation of Canada by clicking below:


Please help us by donating via the Estonian Foundation of Canada to ensure many more years of affordable camp experiences. 100% of all donations go directly to Seedrioru. Monies raised will help keep registration fees affordable. All donations are tax deductible.


As a non-profit organization, Seedrioru needs the support of sponsors.

Major Funder

We work closely with the  Estonian Foundation of Canada charity. They’re one of our biggest sponsors, and fundamental to our success. If you’re interested in making a tax-free charitable donation, directed to Seedrioru, please contact them.


Other Sponsors


Interested in Sponsoring or Advertising at our Fundraisers?

We’ve also got sponsorship opportunities available for your organizations, where we can display advertisements at our festivals and through our website. please contact us and we’ll work with you to make Seedrioru the best camp we can!