Jun 5, 2024



Seedrioru holds an annual festival, called Suvihari, typically held near the summer solstice or “Jaanipäev.” In Estonia, most people will gather in the country with their families and friends to celebrate the peak of summer, the way traditional folk have done for centuries. Chief among these is having a large bonfire or “Jaanituli.”

In Estonia, Jaanipäev (St. Johns Day) is on June 24 and is a national holiday as is June 23, Võidupüha (Victory Day). Victory Day is acknowledged at Suvihari with the ceremonial lighting of the victory flame.

At Seedrioru, we hold a weekend festival, where people are encouraged to come and camp out in one of our camping fields. Cultural performances of song and dance are put on for everyone to enjoy and celebrate Estonian culture. Sporting events such as a volleyball tournament and wife-carrying are typically held and open for anyone to participate. Traditional foods and crafts are available for purchase. The end of the night has also been host to many Jaanituled.

All funds and proceeds from this event help to fund and support the summer camp for the kids.



Music and singing are an important part of Estonian culture. Every five years in the capital of Estonia, Tallinn, a National Song Festival  or “Laulupidu” is held where more than 30,000 singers perform. National Song Festivals have been part of the Estonian tradition since 1864 and have grown over the years to be one of the largest amateur choral festivals in the world. The song festival of 1990 played a key part in re-establishing Estonia’s independence, which was achieved on Aug 20 1991.

At Seedrioru, we contribute to this tradition of song.The first Seedrioru Song Day or “Laulupäev” was held on June 30th, 1956. These were continued every few years for a total of four until 1966, when the Global Estonian Days or “ESTO” festivals began. Seedrioru’s hiatus on Laulupäevad lasted beyond the Estonian restoration of independence. In 2008, it was decided to restart the tradition for Seedrioru Laulupäevad.

The year before a song festival, Seedrioru now holds a Laulupäev during the annual Suvihari festival. Choirs from southern Ontario, Europe, and the USA, attend and perform. The choirs use the Seedrioru Laulupäev as preparation for the National Song Festival in Estonia. The Song Day is a great celebration of the Estonian culture here in Ontario, which we’re always excited to host and be a part of.

The last Song Day at Seedrioru was held in 2018. Seedrioru will be hosting a Song Day in 2023, the year before the next National Song Festival in Estonia in 2024.

Reunion Camp


Every few years Seedrioru will host a Reunion Camp for Alumni of the camp. These are great events to re-live the good old days.