Main Hall
Our Main Banquet Hall is located on a beautiful hill and overlooks the scenic Grand River Valley. Recent renovations have made it a great place to hold your event. The hall has capacity for 100 people, as well as outdoor picnic tables.
Facilities include a full kitchen, BBQ, restrooms, patio, speakers and projector/screen for music and presentations, and heating and AC for comfortable year round use.

We have three cabins available to rent. The cabins have 10-24 beds each. If you’ve got an event that may run late into the night, this is a perfect option for ensuring your guests have a place to stay, and don’t have to drive late at night. Heaters can make our largest cabin ‘Koldetare’ quite comfortable year round. Contact us for more details!

Red House
The Red House is also available for rental, away from the main camp near the front gate. The main floor features a common area, three bedrooms, and a washroom. This house is mainly used as our cabin for children under the age of 7.
One of the gems of Seedrioru is a 1 000 000 gallon sand bottom pond, fed by underground springs. We use natural enzymes and a food-grade blue dye to tint the water to prevent plant growth and maintain a clean, safe, eco-friendly swimming pond for all to enjoy! (Although due to provincial regulations- NO DOGS are allowed in the pond!)

The heart and soul of Seedrioru, without a doubt, is our Estonian-style wood burning sauna. Lined in beautiful cedar, some of which is milled from our very own cedar forest, the sauna acts as the center point of our community, bringing everyone together at the end of a long day’s work, or during celebrations and gatherings to enjoy the traditions of our ancestors.
‘The Hill’
A sizable flat grassy area, perfect for large events, setting up tents/stages, and camping.

The Volleyball Courts and Sports Field
Beside our pool and sauna you’ll find our sports field, featuring both beach and grass volleyball courts. Perfect for a tournament! There is also a grass field large enough for any game.
Basketball Court and Stage
In the middle of our camp you’ll find a paved basketball court, complete with a covered stage for performances and dances.

Open Air Theatre
Currently out of service, Seedrioru has long featured an open air theatre with a grass stage and cedar backdrop. It formerly included tiered bench seating and stairs, as well as lighting built into the stone divider wall. We hope to restore the theatre to its former beauty in the near future.
The Monuments
White Monument
The 40-tonne, 10-meter long and 10 meter high monument in the shape of a sail was sponsored by the four Southern Estonian Societies in 1959. It commemorates the fallen Estonian freedom fighters, but also the thousands who drowned in the Baltic Sea, were killed in air strikes in Estonia and Germany or those who died in prison camps in Siberia. The stone has words from the poem “Mälestus ja tõotus”, “Remembrance and Pledge “:”Mis võet’ meilt, meenutagem, ja mis meile jäi…” “Remembering what was taken from us and what is left…”
The cross represents faith, mourning. The flame represents light, cleansing, eternal life. The sail is strength and power that brings us ever forward
Swords Monument
The memorial was erected in the 1980’s during the period of Soviet occupation. It was initiated and installed by Estonian War Veterans who came to Canada as refugees in the late 1940’s and 1950’s. The purpose of a monument was to remember the loss of our homeland, our freedom and the thousands who died in battles defending Estonia.
The plaque has the wording from our folk legend “Kalevipoeg”
Vahvamaida Varjuseina
Kodumaada Kaitsemaie
Which loosely translates poetic Estonian to “ like a brave protective wall, we will defend our Homeland”