On Saturday June 24 many traditional Estonian crafts are on offer with experts from Eesti/Estonia

There’s something for everyone – from kids to adults!

Register soon – there are limited spots are available for each workshop.

To register:  send an email to Merike Koger at kogermerike@gmail.com with the name and age of each crafter AND the name and time of the session(s) chosen (eg. John Smith, age 8, button spinner 1 pm, or,  Jane Smith, age 42, embroidery 2 pm)

All materials will be provided (free of charge!) EXCEPT for the embroidery workshop where you will need to bring your own item to embroider, be it jeans, a shirt, a bag or any other fabric item.

TimeButton Spinner
Rag Doll
(pilli- ja pulmatutid)
Chord Making A
Chord Making B
Special NotesAges 5+
(youth needs to be accompanied by an adult)
Ages 7+
(youth needs to be accompanied by an adult)
Ages 7+ (youth needs to be accompanied by an adult)Youth-Adults
Bring an item to embroider
Youth +Youth +
1 P.M.Session OfferedSession OfferedSession OfferedSession Offered
2 P.M.Session OfferedSession OfferedSession OfferedSession Offered
3 P.M.Session OfferedSession Offered
4 P.M.Session OfferedSession Offered
Register ASAP to join the fun poolside!

In case of Inclement Weather, sessions will move indoors!